Logan Paul Fans Are Attacking a Japanese Vlogger With Racial Slurs

A Japanese vlogger is being cyberbullied by Logan Paul fans after she condemned his now-deleted YouTube video where he jokingly mocks a suicide victim he discovered in Japan’s infamous “Suicide Forest.”
Reina Scully, a 29-year-old vlogger who initially gained famed by being a host of Sourcefed, posted her thoughts on January 2. Aside from calling him out for his recent video of showing a suicide victim’s dead body, she also criticized him in his Tokyo vlogs for treating Japanese citizens as people beneath him.
“The way he behaves — there’s definitely a sliver of when people used to talked down to me because I was foreign.”
“I really really see that in his vlogs and it bothers me,” Scully Said in the video.
“I really do think that maybe he doesn’t see us on the same level of human being as him. I think that’s perhaps why he was able to do such a horrid thing, like interacting with a body that has passed.”
After posting the video, fans loyal to Logan Paul began attacking Scully, hurling racist insults at her on Twitter.
“Ching Chang Chung. Shut the fuck up you suicide faggots. Let the japs kill themselves … LOGANG for LIFE,” one person wrote in a YouTube coment.
“You bitch you don’t have the right to talk about him, you fucking peaces of shit you are just using his name for clickbait fuck you bitch,” wrote another fan.

Fortunately, Scully noted the outpouring of support she’s received from people after she uploaded her video.
A Change.org petition has started calling for YouTube to delete Paul’s YouTube account, with over 80,000 signatures so far and counting. Once it hits 150,000 signatures, it will be sent directly to YouTube.
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