Kanye West serves sushi on nude woman at 46th birthday party

Kanye West is receiving online backlash for having sushi served on naked women at his 46th birthday party.
An old tradition: Nyotaimori, or “body sushi,” is a Japanese practice originating in the Edo period that involve eating sushi or sashimi off of the body of a naked woman. The male equivalent is called nantaimori.
The party: In photos and videos of the party circulating online, at least one topless woman wearing a bikini bottom can be seen laying flat on a table surrounded by trays of sushi as more is placed all over her body.
The backlash: West’s 9-year-old daughter North West, whom he shares with his ex-wife Kim Kardashian, was also reportedly in attendance, drawing criticism from social media users.
“While his daughter was present DONT make sense to me,” wrote another.
Other social media users accused West of disrespecting women. “Kanye West’s disgusting misogyny strikes again, this time at a party where his young daughter was in attendance,” wrote one user.
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