Staggering Statistics Show Why EDC is the Best Music Festival Ever

Riley Schatzle
June 25, 2015
The evolution of the Electronic Daisy Carnival over the years has been unbelieveable.
When EDC was officially launched in 1997, they only sold about 5,000 tickets, which is garbage compared to the ridiculous 400,000 tickets they sold in 2014. For those who aren’t brainiacs, that’s an 8,000% spike — more like a harpoon.
EDC currently generates more attendees than Bonnarro, Firefly, Hangout and Electric Zoo combined. At $349 for a general admission ticket, EDC is also a great value, as a festival-goer who sees 10 acts a day will be paying an average of $11.66 per set. As Ruckus’s infographic on the event says, “When’s the last time you paid less than $12 to see one of the biggest acts in the world?”
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