Wife Divorces Husband For Not Responding to Texts on LINE in Taiwan

By Kyle Encina
A Taiwanese man jeopardized his relationship after not replying to a series of texts from his wife. The wife, identified as Ms. Lin, showed the district court what she believes is substantial evidence in justifying their divorce.
The woman claimed that she sent her husband a series of emergency text messages via the instant messaging app LINE. According to the Straits Times, the series of messages included texts such as “I got into a car accident”, “are you going to be ruthless and not ask me anything?” and “why do you treat me like this?” among others.
Ms. Lin is certain that her husband received the messages since LINE indicated that they were marked as “read.” However, the husband didn’t return any of his wife’s messages and continued to display a lack of concern for her.
After months of silence, the only response the husband gave to his wife was notifying her about her mail and something in regards to their dog. The judge in Hsinchu District Court accepted the ignored text messages as valid grounds for divorce.
The Taiwanese man’s indifference towards his wife doesn’t end there — Ms. Lin claims that her husband hasn’t been responding to her texts for as long as six months. In addition, the wife feels that her in-laws are being “unfriendly” towards her ever since she moved in with them.
According to the BBC, there were even more problems with their relationship when the wife was forced to pay for most of her in-law’s bills while her husband struggled with an unstable income.
For Ms. Lin, her husband’s unresponsiveness towards her text messages was the last straw. The court took her word for it as the ruling mentioned that this indicates the couple’s relationship is “beyond repair.” Even with the supposed divorce case going on, the husband is still showing no signs of concern as he ignored the court’s notices.
“A normal couple shouldn’t treat each other like that,” Ms. Lin added. The husband is yet to attend a single court hearing.
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