Tragic 56-Car Pile-Up on Chinese Expressway Kills 17

By Ryan General
A terrible road accident involving a massive 56-car pile-up on an expressway in China took the lives of 17 people and injured 37 more on Monday.
The tragic mishap, which occurred on the icy roads of Shanxi connecting Beijing and Kunming, saw a number of vehicles scattered after crashing, reported CNN.
Images of overturned trucks and burned cars have emerged showing the extent of the devastation the accident has caused.
Observers have noted that the accident occurred during harsh weather conditions, indicating that slippery roads may have largely contributed to it. Authorities have begun their preliminary investigations and have not released any statement yet, according to CCTV (via Shanghaiist).
Horrifying photos from the area have emerged showing overturned tractor trailers scattered across the road.
Massive road accidents that involve multiple vehicles are not a rare sight on Chinese roads. Earlier this year in March, an accident involving 47 vehicles killed 3 and injured 7 also happened in Shanxi. Investigations later revealed that a heavy fog had caused the huge vehicular pile up.
China, which only accounts for only 3% of the world’s vehicles, makes up for 24% of the world’s traffic fatalities. Such figures have put the country as the world’s No. 1 in traffic fatalities since the late 1980s. In reports, the usual causes for the accidents often cited are the drivers’ lax driving habits, overloaded vehicles and terrible road conditions.
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