Taiwanese Cosplayer Under Fire for Taking Sexy Photos in Military Uniform
By Bryan Ke
May 23, 2018
A cosplayer has gone viral for donning a military uniform in her latest photoshoot, which is against the law in Taiwan.
The images, which were posted last week on the FaceBook page Momo Cat, have since been removed due to the controversy. The cosplayer wore military-grade sunglasses, high-heels, and mini skirt while posing in a sexually provocative manner on different objects at a military obstacle course in Taoyuan city, Shanghaiist reported.
After the photos went viral, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense immediately issued legal complaints, stating the woman damaged the military’s image.
The woman’s actions violated the Armed Forces Uniforms Act and the article 159 of the Offense of Interference with Public Order, according to Taiwan News. She could face a fine of NT$500 ($16.70), which the minister is prepared to levy.
A somewhat similar incident happened late last year when a female livestreamer dressed in a police uniform. She was later arrested and detained for 15 days for her offense.
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