Sinister Red Mystery Spill on BART Turns Out to Be Boba Milk Tea

Sinister Red Mystery Spill on BART Turns Out to Be Boba Milk TeaSinister Red Mystery Spill on BART Turns Out to Be Boba Milk Tea
Leanna Chan
March 7, 2019
After a photo surfaced online of an ambiguous dark red bodily splatter on a BART train, officials came forward to report that the spill was nothing more than spilled milk tea with tapioca balls. 
Image via Reddit
The image was originally circulated on Reddit, with the poster captioning the photo, “I guess BART’s waiting on forensics before cleaning this up? NSFW no matter what it is.”
BART, also known as Bay Area Rapid Transit is a public transportation system that serves the San Francisco Bay Area in California.
Many users took to the comments to guess what the liquid could be.
“Red wine vomit. Nothing to see here.”
“It’s just spilled strawberry jam.”
“…too many hurricanes at a tiki bar.”
“… a mesh of guts and intestines near the doorway.”
“Looks kind of like hydraulic fluid”
“Resident Evil”
“someone couldn’t handle day drinking at dolores with boxed wine, cheese, and crackers from bi-rite.”
Others expressed their disgust and curiosity, one asked “Did it smell?” While another user took this opportunity to advocate for BART employees, The people that have to clean this up, on a daily basis… deserve a raise.”
After the post had amassed over 600 upvotes and over 100 comments, BART officials took to Reddit to provide their finding on the matter.
“On Thursday night, we heard back from a supervisor: It was a beverage, most likely boba tea,” the official post stated. They found tapioca pearl balls. It was mopped up by our cleaners.”
Perhaps rightfully alarmed by the public’s response, BART felt the need to clarify because they believed “the pictures began circulating around social media as something more sinister and misleading.”
“We want to clear the record that nobody was hurt and the mess was not blood. It was just boba tea, and it was cleaned up,” the statement said.
Hopefully no one spent too much time crying over spilled milk tea.
Feature Images via Facebook and Reddit / It’s Boba Time (left) and u/bourbonboots (right)
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