Google Reveals How Much They Paid the Guy Who Bought — And It’s GENIUS

By Jacob Wagner
Last October, researcher and ex-Google employee
We knew then that Ved donated around $10,000 of his prize money to charity, but it wasn’t until today when Google revealed how much they actually paid the man who owned for a whole minute — and the amount is genius.
Google paid Ved the amount of GOOGLE — or $6006.13. The company then doubled that amount when Ved donated it to charity, totaling $12,012.26. The amount was revealed in Google’s “2015 Year in Review” blogpost on Thursday:
“You may have read about Sanmay Ved, a researcher from who was able to buy for one minute on Google Domains. Our initial financial reward to Sanmay—$ 6,006.13—spelled-out Google, numerically (squint a little and you’ll see it!). We then doubled this amount when Sanmay donated his reward to charity.”
Google’s 2015 review post shared the results of their vulnerability reward program, where hackers can earn up to $20,000 in cash for discovering bugs in Google’s system. Google has paid out over $2 million to over 300 people for exploiting and reporting bugs.
h/t: Business Insider
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