Positive parenting practices linked to well-being in Asian American children

By Ryan General
A new study published in JAMA Network this month found that young Asian American children whose parents frequently read to them and told them stories exhibited greater overall well-being.
- About the study: Researchers from the Northwestern University in Chicago analyzed data from the National Survey of Children’s Health, using a nationally representative sample of 42,846 children aged 6 months to 5 years. The study also explored whether these associations differed between Asian American children and non-Hispanic white children.
- About the findings: The research team found that the children exposed to stories from their parents exhibited higher levels of flourishing, better social-emotional development and improved self-regulation skills. However, the study revealed that only 49.6% of second-generation Asian American children were read to regularly, compared to 66% of third- or later-generation Asian American children. Compared to non-Hispanic White children, Asian American children, in general, were less likely to flourish and have regular bedtimes, suggesting potential cultural influences on parenting approaches and child development expectations .
- Why this matters: By highlighting the impact of positive parenting practices to the healthy development of Asian American children, the authors hope they could provide valuable insights for parents, educators and healthcare providers. “Although generational status is not amenable to interventions, programs to educate Asian immigrant parents about positive parenting practices could help reduce the gap in these practices across Asian American generations and racial and ethnic groups,” the authors noted. “Promotion of [reading, storytelling, or singing parenting] practices among Asian immigrant parents may help improve the psychological well-being and health behaviors of their young Asian American children.”
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