PC Gamers Are Better at Sex Than Console Gamers, Study Claims

By Alan Van
PC gamers are better in bed than gamers who play on Playstation and Xbox consoles, claims a new study.
For their unusual study, discount website MyVoucherCodes — which, strangely, has little to nothing to do with either gaming or relationships — polled 2,747 UK gamers on their gaming habits and relationships, according to Peek.
After finding out which consoles their partners used to play video games, the poll asked, “How would you rate your partner in the bedroom?”
A mere 11% of respondents answered “excellent,” while 27% and 26% answered “good” and “average,” respectively. A fifth of all respondents were underwhelmed by their partners’ lovemaking skills and chose “below average.”
Overall, computer gamers emerged as the best at sex, with 54% of their partners choosing to describe them as “good” or better in bed. Over a fifth, 22%, said their PC-gaming partners were “excellent.”
Almost half, 47%, of those respondents with lovers who play an Xbox console rated their partners’ sexual prowess as “good” or better.
Playstation gamers, meanwhile, fared worst. Only 3% of those polled described them as “excellent” and only 8% thought they were “very good.”
Another part of the study sought to explore respondents’ opinions on their partners’ gaming habits compared to their sexual activity.
While 21% wanted “more sex, less gaming” from their partners, 11% said they wanted “less sex, more gaming.”
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