MMA Heavyweight Cries in Agony After Getting Kicked in the Balls

MMA Heavyweight Cries in Agony After Getting Kicked in the BallsMMA Heavyweight Cries in Agony After Getting Kicked in the Balls
Carl Samson
June 13, 2017
A Chinese MMA fighter received the most devastating pain known to all men at the start of a heavyweight match in Seoul on Saturday.
The fighter, Aorigele, was up against Myung Hyun-man for the main event of Road FC 39, Bleacher Report noted.
What many might have anticipated as an exciting match, however, ended in just few seconds as Myung landed a kick straight to Aorigele’s groin.
Aorigele immediately lost momentum and dropped on the floor, enduring the blow. The event was ruled a no-contest.
Medics attended to Aorigele shortly. For his privacy, they placed a blue blanket over his lower body before inspecting the damage.
The set-up and the look on Aorigele’s face made it seem like he was like giving birth, Total Pro Sports said.
Aorigele was escorted out of the ring after a while, and hopefully, to absolute recovery.
If you can stomach it, the literally gut-wrenching sight may be watched below:
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