Michelin Guide to feature restaurants in provincial China

Michelin Guide to feature restaurants in provincial ChinaMichelin Guide to feature restaurants in provincial China
via Ben Bender (CC BY-SA 3.0)
For the first time ever, the Michelin Guide will feature restaurant selections at a provincial level in China, starting with Fujian and Jiangsu.
The Michelin-owned guidebooks will begin with three cities in Fujian – Xiamen, Fuzhou and Quanzhou – in late 2024, followed by three cities in Jiangsu – Nanjing, Suzhou and Yangzhou – in early 2025, before exploring other locations in these two provinces. “The decision to start with Fujian and Jiangsu provinces was not left to chance, seeing as both territories are indeed home to outstanding, Chinese culinary traditions that are unique and deeply-rooted,” Gwendal Poullennec, Michelin Guides’ international director, said at a press conference in Shanghai.
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