Man Becomes Cyborg After Fusing Antenna Into His Skull to Hear Sound

By Alan Van
I predicted the cyborg-human war in as early as October — because the prediction is unique and I want credit for it — and it now looks like we’re at the brink. I’ll fire up the chainsaw.
According to the BBC video, cyborgs exist, and at least one of them exists in the form of a weaselly little nerd with a bad haircut and colorful suits.
British artist Neil Harbisson was born completely color-blind — which explains said suits — so he went and did what anyone would do and had an antenna that converts color frequencies into sound frequencies osseointegrated into his skull by an anonymous surgeon in 2004. Harbisson’s antenna thus allows him to “hear” color through bone conduction, with the artist having memorized the musical notes of different colors.
His antenna also has a Bluetooth implant that allows him to connect to the internet in order to receive colors from other people, as well as make phone calls. Considering how intrusive the antenna is — a long, bendable silver antenna that juts out from the back of his head — his signal had better never, ever drop.
So far, Harbisson hasn’t used his antenna for wanton destruction — boo — but he has used it to create “sound portraits” of impressionable celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, Al Gore, Nicole Kidman, Steve Wozniak and Woody Allen. I wonder if Allen’s portrait sounds like little Asian girls running away.
So what’s Harbisson’s favorite color? While I wish I could say it was something awesome like “human blood red,” in a 2012 BBC News article, he said it was aubergine, a dark violet color that is “very high-pitched.” Harbisson, please watch the “Terminator” movies and get a little inspiration for this whole human-cyborg war thing — I need it to happen.
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