23 Reasons Why Malaysians File for Divorce Will Make You Do a Bit of Soul-Searching

By Ryan General
Troubled couples who end up filing for divorce often do so due to infidelity, financial matters, lack of intimacy and abuse among other things.
Such reasons are often deemed by courts to be a very valid basis for granting a couple’s dissolution of marriage in many parts of the world.
However, some of the reasons Malaysian couples cited for ending their marriage are so ridiculous that a local official was compelled to share them online.
Selangor Syariah Department compiled a list of reasons “why Malaysians filed for divorce,” which Malaysia’s deputy women, family and community development minister Hannah Yeoh shared on November 13 in the parliament.
Yeoh was only able to share a few of them (highlighted in yellow) as she deemed the rest to be too embarrassing for the session.
Fortunately for the internet, PKR strategic communication director Fahmi Fadzil uploaded the full list on Twitter.
Here’s the entire list in English as translated by Mashable:
- Wife’s butt is not smooth
- Husband is terrible in bed
- Wife demanded clothes of 30 different colors
- Wife dirties husband’s kopiah (cap worn by Muslim males) because he spends too much time hanging with his friends at the mosque
- Wife enjoys going on trips with her entourage
- Wife enjoys washing the clothes at night
- Husband is always suspicious of wife
- Wife revealed she had better sex with previous partners
- A difference in political views
- Husband does not like wife eating in the car
- Husband’s salary is lower than wife’s
- Wife is slow in preparing food
- Spouse sleeps and wakes up late
- Husband has erratic working hours
- A child is sick and feverish
- Jealousy because the spouse is still friends with an ex
- Spouse is too chatty
- Spouse snores in bed
- Spouse enjoys shopping
- Husband is stingy
- Spouse’s manner in washing and drying clothes is unacceptable
- A squabble over which television programmes to watch
- Spouse forgets to flush every time after using the toilet
While admittedly some of them are outright silly, others, especially the last one, do sound reasonable enough to compel someone look for a different partner.
According to Hannah, the list was based on surveys conducted in the Selangor state alone and data from other states are currently being compiled.
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