Jimmy Wong Just Dragged Logan Paul Out For His BS PR Stunt Video

By Ryan General
Just a few weeks after desecrating a suicide victim’s corpse in his tasteless, yet extremely popular YouTube channel, disgraced vlogger Logan Paul has now returned with a new video in which he appears to be transformed into some sort of an advocate for suicide prevention.

The seven-minute video is, in fact, a huge departure from his usual “annoy-other-people-for-views” shenanigans that earned him millions of subscribers.
With some mournful piano music, suicide statistics, a first-person account of a suicide survivor, montage of the media backlash, videotaped conversations with experts, multiple shots of empty blank stares to depict deep thought, adorable shot with a puppy to show humanity — Logan Paul has been transformed and now ready to teach us how to keep people from committing suicide.

In 5 simple steps, “new Logan Paul” gives an insightful process that can actually save people’s lives. Very useful stuff. Kudos to him for taking the time to bringing Kevin Hines’ story to his millions of followers who, just a few days ago, were justifying his actions in Japan.

The video is so well done that it appears new Logan Paul may actually be on the road to redeeming himself from that despicable video and all the stupid stuff he has done in the past. Cool story, bro.
Perhaps, actor and social media star Jimmy Wong delivered in a series of tweets what we all really wanted to say:

Here’s to hoping his next upload would be a PSA video on “The Dangers of Throwing Pokeballs on Moving Vehicles”, or a discussion on respect for other cultures, a documentary on entitlement and how it affects irresponsible actions, a touching video on not being a total douche, perhaps? At this rate, he and his PR team would never run out of material. A million dollars per offended party would be a nice touch as well.
Feature image via Youtube/Logan Paul
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