Chef serves up cricket tteokbokki, other bug dishes to San Diego State students

Chef serves up cricket tteokbokki, other bug dishes to San Diego State studentsChef serves up cricket tteokbokki, other bug dishes to San Diego State students
via FOX 5 San Diego
Ryan General
February 28, 2024
Renowned Chef Joseph Yoon served dishes made from insects at the Bug Banquet held in San Diego State University on Feb. 23. 
About the Bug Banquet: Chef Yoon, a pioneer in entomophagy (the practice of eating insects) and chef advocate for the United Nations‘ International Fund for Agricultural Development, collaborated with professor Changqi Liu and the Student Nutrition Organization for the unique tasting event, reported The Daily Aztec.
The chef and edible insect ambassador prepared a menu featuring cricket chili tacos, cricket and chicatana ant tteokbokki and cricket caramel honey popcorn. All dishes were crafted from insects sustainably farmed for consumption. The students who attended the event embraced the opportunity to explore insect-based dishes.
“It’s really good, and it’s pretty. I like the way it (is plated),” said first-year student Giselle Ford. “I would (eat insects) again.”
Part of ongoing research: SDSU hosted the event as part of Liu’s research specializing in edible insects and their nutritional values, flavor profiles and potential allergens. The food science researcher also studies how edible insects can be accepted by the public. 
“We did a survey and we found that the willingness level to eat insects is not that great in the U.S.,” Liu was quoted saying. “We identified that unfamiliarity with the products — and also the disgust factor — are the main barriers. So that’s why we are trying to come up with some interventions to help people overcome that kind of aversion towards the insects.”
Advocating for sustainable nutrition: Chef Yoon’s Bug Banquet initiative aims to educate and empower individuals to make informed decisions about sustainable nutrition. At the event, he also discussed his mission of increasing the acceptance of edible insects and addressing global food system challenges. The New York City-based chef revealed his hopes of one day producing an edible insect cookbook and launching an advertising campaign to shift public perceptions about insect cuisine. 
In 2017, he founded Brooklyn Bugs, an organization that wants to normalize the use of edible insects. In his interview with Food Lab Talk in November, Yoon emphasized the importance of inclusive culinary practices and the need to bridge cultural divides through food.

“What I love to share is the regenerative, circular nature of insect agriculture. We can take food waste from groceries, restaurants, breweries and bakeries and feed them to black soldier fly larvae. They can consume twice their body weight every day without emitting methane gases, mitigating all this food waste going to our landfills.”

Where this is common: Insect consumption is not a new phenomenon and is popular in many cultures around the world. In Thailand, fried insects are commonly enjoyed as snacks, known as “jing leed.” In Mexico, “chapulines” are a traditional grasshopper delicacy often seasoned with chili and lime.
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