Jerk Tells a Man to Go F**k Himself During Rush Hour, Arrives At Job Interview With Same Man

“I was on my way into work on the Tube on Monday morning during rush hour. I stood to one side to let a lady get by, and ended up blocking a man momentarily … I think he thought I was just standing in his way. He pushed and I turned, I explained I was getting off too but he pushed past and then looked back and suggested I might like to f*** myself … which might have been true but not before a few cups of coffee.”
“I think it crept up on him slowly as my questions became more and more tube related … It would be easy to hold something like this over someone in an interview, but for me interviews aren’t about that … By the end of the interview we laughed it off and we’re both happy.”
“When you interview you are looking for a read of skills but also to know if that person is a real human being, it’s about that connection. By the end of the interview we laughed it off and were both happy … The candidate didn’t get the job, though, and maybe now he’ll maintain a better attitude in the morning since he just might need some help from a fellow commuter one day.”