Japanese Prime Minister Falls While Playing Golf With Donald Trump

By Bryan Ke
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reportedly lost his balance and fell in a bunker sand during a round of golf with President Donald Trump on Monday.

Trump, during his first ever two-day trip to Japan as the U.S. president, had the opportunity to enjoy a round of golf with Prime Minister Abe and Japanese professional golfer Hideki Matsuyama at Kasumigaseki Country Club in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture.

Many people were watching closely, hoping to see Trump do something that would end up making headlines around the world. However, netizens were quite shocked when the 63-year-old prime minister was the one who made a slip.

According to Japanese reports, Abe lost his balance after putting a golf ball into play, accidentally rolling backwards off the grass and into the golf bunker. Several security and aides came rushing to help Abe, but the prime minister was quick on his feet as he hurriedly got back up and put his cap on.
Luckily, the prime minister was not injured during the whole ordeal, according to SoraNews24. Trump had his back turned when Abe rolled down the bunker. It is unclear, however, if the U.S. president was notified about the incident after their game.
Japanese netizens on Twitter couldn’t help but comment on the now-deleted footage of Abe falling backwards.
“Who needs Piko Taro when you’ve got a hidden comedy talent like this?” one user wrote.
“It just occurred to me that “bunker” and “Ivanka” sound similar in Japanese!” another one said.
“He’s practicing for the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony,” one more netizen commented.
Featured Image via Twitter / @NoTYOolympic
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