Professor in China Who Resembles Einstein Becomes Instant Celebrity Amongst Students

By Jacob Wagner
One man is winning admirers and creating quite a buzz on the internet in China for his striking resemblance to famous scientist Albert Einstein.
The professor, 68-year-old Gary Manzo from the United States, has been teaching English and sociology at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University in China for the last three years.
Netizens have dubbed him “Professor Manzou,” as his last name sounds similar to the Mandarin word “manzou,” which means to “walk slowly” or “take care.”
According to Xinhua via Shanghaiist, the professor took such a liking to the name that he has had it printed on all of his business cards. Though Professor Manzou acknowledges the similarity in his appearance to Einstein, he had not expected to get so much attention for it.
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