Why Durian Prices are Skyrocketing Throughout Asia

By Kyle Encina
Durian prices have been soaring through the roof as stocks and scarcity of the spiky fruit have grown problematic. The price hike of the popular “king of fruits” hasn’t been this high in over three decades.
The cost of durian in Singapore is making it even more of a rare delicacy with prices reaching as high as $38 per kg, according to TNP. More popular varieties of durian, such as the ones from Malaysia, can cost over $100 per fruit.
Despite the apparent durian price hike, the spiky fruit is still very much in demand with local companies still ordering in batches. According to StraitsTimes, there was even a recent charity run event that involves plenty of durians, so there’s no question about the fruit king’s popularity.
As for what’s causing the soaring durian prices, sources claim that this has something to do with poor weather in Malaysia. Malaysia remains a popular supplier of the king of fruits, but bad weather seems to be affecting recent harvests.
In addition, there’s also an increase of demand for durian in China since it’s becoming a well-known ingredient for preparing mooncake. With that said, the increase in demand is making the fruit even more scarce, further raising the durian price tag.
Regardless of the scarcity issue, store-owners are urging their customers to be patient and wait for the following month. Markets are expecting the next batch of durians to arrive in 10 days — this hefty supply is said to help lower durian prices. Nevertheless, it’s still hard to fathom how some stores are able to hold a durian giveaway event given the fruit’s current expensive state.
Feature Image via Flickr/TheWanderingAngel (CC BY 2.0)
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