Dear Disney, Here’s 8 Extremely Hot Asian Guys Perfect as Mulan’s Love Interest

The live-action “Mulan” movie has been fraught with troubles since its inception.
At first, Disney was entertaining a script that featured Mulan falling in love with some random White merchant. Then we discovered that they would adhere to the original a bit more with Mulan having a Chinese love interest, but that it wouldn’t necessarily be Captain Li Shang. They dropped that bomb at the same time as this ridiculously crazy one — the live-action would be without its memorable songs. Another recent blow? That the release date was pushed to 2019, meaning we have to wait yet another year to watch one of the greatest Disney movies of all time be added to the live-action list.
Because of all the pitfalls revolving around Mulan, we’re a little concerned about who’s gonna play Mulan’s love interest. We’re like 99.99% positive they won’t cast a non-Chinese woman to play Mulan because, uhh…that’d be pretty messed up; besides, that whack script included a Chinese Mulan from the get-go — it was the love interest who got Whitewashed. So we got to thinking — maybe Disney is having trouble finding a suitable actor to fill the role?
The men who could fill this all-important role would have to meet a few perquisites. They must be swift as the coursing river; with all the force of the great typhoon… with all the strength of the raging fire and as mysterious as the dark side of the moon. We’re like pretty positive they can’t play the main love interest without these qualities.
Luckily, we found eight men who would be absolutely PERFECT for the position – share this with your friendly neighborhood Disney casting director to help them out!
Godfrey Gao

Godfrey Gao is one of the most beautiful human beings on the planet. The Taiwanese-born Canadian model and actor would be the perfect fit with his chiseled jaw and rugged good looks. While he’s probably best known for his roles in movies and dramas, he is also credited as being the first Asian male to model for Louis Vuitton. Disney can’t go wrong with bringing on Gao as Mulan’s love interest — scruffy or clean-shaven, this guy is a sight for sore eyes.
*sigh* so beautiful…
Jay Chou

Casting Jay Chou as the main love interest would be a fantastic move on Disney’s part. For one thing, he’s gorgeous. Another thing is that he’s already starred in a period film, Curse of the Golden Flower. Did we mention he’s gorgeous? The singer/songwriter/producer/director/actor is just an all-around amazing person and we would be blessed should he grace us with his presence on screen. Bonus points for being able to sing like a bird — maybe Disney will rethink not having songs in the remake if they cast Taiwan’s favorite son?
Unnngh, we need him already!
Chen Kun

Of all the hot hunks to make this list, Chen Kun (sometimes Aloys Chen) is probably the most qualified to play Mulan’s love interest. Why? He already played the role! In the 2009 release of “Mulan: Rise of a Warrior” he was cast as Wen Tai, the dashingly handsome sub-commander whom Mulan falls for. The story is a bit different than the Disney version, but now that we’re reading the plot… it kinda sounds like the direction Disney is moving in. Which, again, makes this heroic heartthrob perfect for the job!
Tear-jerker, right?
Yang Yang

We don’t know what Disney is going for in terms of aesthetic here. Maybe they want a super rugged guy. Maybe they don’t. If they want someone who’s totally gorgeous in a pretty kind of way, look no further than ya boy Yang Yang. Arguably best known for his role in “The Dream of Red Mansions” and “The Whirlwind Girl”, this young actor will be sure to please crowds and win hearts. Most recently, he’s starred in the fantasy movie “Once Upon A Time”. Can he win the heart of Mulan? We think so!
Ludi Lin

Ludi Lin is amazing. AMAZING. During our (shirtless) interview with him, he revealed more than just his delicious abs, including the fact that he’s TRI-lingual in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin. Disney only required that the actors be bilingual in Mandarin and English, so Lin’s just over-achieving like the incredible person that he is. He’s also a Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu fighter, so he definitely packs a punch — helpful for when you’re fighting off hordes of Huns in ancient China. IDK guys, he looks perfect to me! And did we mention the abs?
Lewis Tan

Lewis Tan deserves so much more than what he’s been handed recently. He was passed over for the main role in “Iron Fist”, and we’re all still kind of bitter about it because LOOK AT HIM. A ten year Hollywood veteran, the sexy stuntman knows Kung Fu, as he’s been practicing it for 15 years. We feel like that’s something Mulan’s love interest would be really good at. He also has the sultry look down, and we strongly feel that Mulan’s love interest would be good at that, too. Because reasons.
Harry Shum Jr.

What list would be complete without Harry Shum Jr.? He’s a total babe, total sweetheart, and totally swole. He’s got that gentlemanly boy-next-door type personality that we’re pretty sure Mulan could take home to mom — even her grandma would want him to stay forever! He can dance like none other, so we’re convinced that Disney would reconsider the whole “not gonna do music” thing that they, for some really weird reason, are sticking to. Like what’s up with that? We need our man Harry to dance!!!
Please, Disney? Please?!
Philip Ng

OH MY GOD. DO YOU SEE THOSE DIMPLES?! *bites lip* DO. YOU. SEE. THOSE. DIMPLES?!?!?! Because we do, and we’re totally drowning in them right now. No, no — no need to throw a life preserver, we’re happy here. With Ng’s latest role as the legendary Bruce Lee in “Birth of the Dragon”, we’re completely confident in Ng’s ability to take on the warrior love-interest title. “Birth of the Dragon” wasn’t his first acting gig, though — he’s been in the game since 2003, so he knows his stuff!
Uh-oh, Disney, we have a problem — basically, all these men are perfect for the role of Mulan’s love interest! Look at all your options to choose from! How are you going to decide between all these super hot hunks?
Well readers, did we pick your favorite? Or did we leave a worthy contender out? Let us know in the comments section!
Feature image via Instagram / (Left) finger_hearts, (Right) ludilin
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