Chinese man solves 3 Rubik’s Cubes while juggling them, breaks world record

By Isa Peralta
A Chinese man recently broke a world record by solving three Rubik’s Cubes while juggling them in just three minutes and 16 seconds.
What happened: On Wednesday, Guinness World Records (GWR) posted about Li Zhihao, 22, and his record attempt.
“Performing the puzzle cube juggle requires immense mental and physical skill,” GWR wrote. “In addition to keeping track of three simultaneous cube solves, the challenger must maintain a perfect juggling rhythm because no ‘multiplexing’ is allowed. This means that if two cubes are caught in the same hand at the same time, the attempt is ended.”
Li appeared on GWR’s Italian TV talent show “Lo Show dei Record” as he broke the world record for the fastest time to solve three rotating puzzle cubes while juggling.
Before Li, Colombian speedcuber Angel Alvarado held the world record with 4 minutes and 31 seconds under his belt.
Not just one: Li also holds other world records, including “Most rotating puzzle cubes solved while suspended upside down,” “Most rotating puzzle cubes solved using one hand while suspended upside down” and “Fastest time to solve a rotating puzzle cube (3x3x3) by a team of two under water” with Yi Jiaxi.
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