Chinese City Sprays Water on Pedestrians to Stop Them From Jaywalking

By Bryan Ke
Huangshi, Hubei province, China, has found a surefire way to prevent pedestrians from jaywalking by equipping busy intersections with a post that sprays out mist.

The post, which was first unveiled in Huangshi on April 18, has an infrared sensor that triggers a mist cannon whenever someone passes by to cross the street on a red light, according to Record China as translated by SoraNews24.

Spraying water often works on pets that are being disobedient, but the method has a different effect on humans.

The device seems to dissuade some pedestrians from jaywalking, especially those caught off guard by the mist spray.

However, Chinese netizens were not exactly thrilled by this method:
“It will eventually become a de facto hand wash station.”
“That’s a good place to cool my dogs off when they’re barking.”
“Aren’t they worried old ladies will bring buckets and use it to collect water?”
“Great! Install equipment usually found on playgrounds at busy intersections.”
“I think it is a waste of water.”
“That’s gonna knock out some frail elderly person.”
“So essentially they’re saying we can’t rely on the police for this problem?”
Humorously, as one smarmy netizen pointed out, “So jaywalking on rainy days isn’t a problem then?”
Images via Xinhuanet
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