Brave Dog Owner Dies Trying to Save His Dog from Thieves in China

Brave Dog Owner Dies Trying to Save His Dog from Thieves in ChinaBrave Dog Owner Dies Trying to Save His Dog from Thieves in China
Bryan Ke
March 27, 2018
A 48-year-old man was tragically killed last year for trying to save their family dog from being taken away by a pair of dog thieves in China.
According to The Cover, Xie Xingcai already had two dogs stolen from him earlier last year. After those incidents, he reached to the decision to never let it happened again.
The surveillance footage published online last year shows how Xie tries to stop the dog thieves from getting away after he saw them take drag his dog’s leash inside their van. He quickly runs into the driver’s side window and reached inside, attempting to slow them down or even to stop them.
Unfortunately, instead of stopping, the thieves pushed the pedal and dragged Xie with them before he was thrown to the pavement, Shanghaiist reported.
Xie was quickly rushed to the hospital after the accident. It was reported that he suffered severe injuries to his head and had to go through an emergency surgery, which soon later required him to be put on life support. Sadly, he died 18 days later.
Police in southwestern China’s Chengdu province were successful in locating the two suspects who took Xie’s dog as well as their gang and even their hideout, about a week after his encounter with the thieves.
The two thieves pleaded guilty to theft and unintentional homicide in February. One of the suspects even tried to explain that killing Xie was never part of their plan, and offered to compensate the man’s family by selling his house to pay them.
Xie’s son, however, was not convinced by the offer. Instead, he expressed that he wants them to pay for their crimes.
Where we live, dog theft is rampant, its affect on society is too severe. I don’t want money, I want the murderers to be severely punished,” he said.
Stealing dogs – for whatever reason – has indeed become rampant in the China, and some people are now standing up to defend the poor animals.
In September last year, a vigilante took justice into his own hands when he chased down a restaurant owner who kills dogs.
Then in January, a dog owner channeled his inner “John Wick” to avenge his dog that was killed by a hunter with a poison dart. After catching up to the suspect, the man accidentally hit the acceleration pedal of his car that eventually hit and killed the hunter.
Image screenshot via The Cover
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