Woman Has a Savage Response to a Male Coworker Who’s Bitter With Her Promotion

By Carl Samson
A woman recently promoted at work has epitomized how we should respond to those who think we can never succeed.
Azita Rahman, a sociology student at the University of California, Riverside, received a promotion for her apparent hard work. It was good news for the pre-med hopeful who was just minding her own business at work.
Unfortunately, a male co-worker was displeased with Rahman’s success, for he believes her new position “is more suited to a man” — referring to himself.

In a series of text messages Rahman shared on Twitter (on an account which has since been deactivated), the unidentified male co-worker kicked off the conversation with the classic “no-offense” play (via Indy100):
“No offense but you really don’t deserve that promotion [sic]. I work my ass off and I bring her [The big boss?] coffee every day… you’re too emotional in your decision making.”
The bitter co-worker pursued his tirade with an excuse that he’s “not sexist” at all:
“I’m not sexist but this position really is better suited for a man. Men are better with numbers, we make better accountants. You’d be a lot more successful as a secretary.”
And as if things aren’t disturbing yet, he thought his audacious honesty deserved some credit:
“Don’t get offended I’m just being honest. Hope you don’t take it the wrong way.”

Of course, Rahman rightfully got offended at her co-worker’s messages. For this, she took every liberty to reply:
“See the difference between you and me in the work place is that while you’re spending all you’re time sitting on your white ass, texting me shit like this, acting like you’re entitled to everything in the world and waiving off hard work just because you’re a man — I’m **surprise** actually working hard and getting ‘your’ promotions.”
“You can say whatever you want but at the end of the day, our male boss used your so-called superior male decision making skills to promote…me. Not you.”

Rahman’s closing remark capped everything off, however:
“I’m sorry your genital and skin color didn’t workout in your favor this time. Maybe next promotion! Until then, your analysis report is due tomorrow.”
Rahman also added in a later post:
“He used to make Islamophobic comments about me/my family on a daily basis, that’s the only reason I even mentioned whiteness.”

We’re not sure whether this guy submitted his report in the end, or if he even still shows up in the office, but hopefully in the end he won’t take her promotion “the wrong way”.
Congratulations on your promotion, Azita!
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